Attachment by Ven. Ajahn Sanong Katapunyo

Death with Purity

An Arahat's body like the Buddha's did not need binding around his neck, hands and feet because it was regarded as the body of the One who had lost all attachments. There was no need to wash his face with coconut juice when he was already pure. No deodorant was required for the odourless body.

It is clear that the Buddha and Arahats had no binding of neck, hands and feet after passing away owing to their success in cutting the ties when they were alive. The three chains which stand for greed, hatred and delusion together with attachment were completely severed. Therefore they died with purity which was called "Realising the state of Nibbana." The variety of cremation customs should be interpreted as an exposition of the Dhamma. In this way, there will be the chance to make use of the essence of one's mind which already contains mindfulness and wisdom, and we should contemplate this.

Alas, there is nothing left after one's death. Only virtue remains in the world. The memory of the virtuous actions of our grandparents is to be described and followed by younger generations. So this should be quoted:

"Anicca Vata Sankhara Uppada Vayadhammino Uppajjitva Nirujjhanti Tesam Vupasamo Sukho."
This means, "How happy it is to extinguish! Where is the point of extinction so that we may obtain the final bliss?" It is said that "to extinguish inside the mind" is to put an end to worry and anxiety and that supreme happiness will follow.

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